
Office Phone: 907-224-5569

Address: We are located at 405 4th ave, right on the outskirts of Seward’s historic downtown.

Feel free to call us at any time with questions about our trips or to make a reservation. We are typically in the office from roughly 8am to 6:30ish, Alaska time.

When booking a trip online, please know that in order to make sure that our trips are right for each of our clients individually, we like to talk to everyone in person before booking a hike, so all online reservations go through a reviewal phase...

If you are coming in on the highway, stay on that course as you enter the town. The highway will turn into 3rd ave, and will eventually start going up a hill as you continue into town. Continue up the hill past the AVTEC building on your left to Madison St and take a left. Take your next right onto 4th ave. We are located on the right side of the street at the end of the block.

If you are coming from the train station or the small boat harbor, go down 4th ave, up and over the hill, past the AVTEC building on your right. We are on the right side of the street on 4th ave, almost on the corner of 4th and Jefferson.

We hope to see you soon in Seward!